Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Plame Game: the moment of truth

White House spokesperson, Sept. 29, 2003:
"[T]here's been no information that has been brought to our attention, beyond what we've seen in the media reports, to suggest White House involvement...."

"I've made it clear that there's been nothing, absolutely nothing, brought to our attention to suggest any White House involvement, and that includes the Vice President's office, as well. When I'm talking about the White House, I'm talking about the Vice President's office as well....

Q: "You continue to talk about the severity of this and if anyone has any information they should go forward to the Justice Department. But can you tell us, since it's so severe, would someone or a group of persons, lose their job in the White House --

"At a minimum."

Q: "At a minimum?

"At a minimum."

George W. Bush, Sept. 30, 2003
"I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action. And this investigation is a good thing.... [L]eaks of classified information are a bad thing."

Now that the world knows who was ultimately responsible for leaked classified information identifying a CIA operative and her network of sources, will the President keep his word?

After all, he's such a good Christian man and all....

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