Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The New Balkanism?

I've alluded before to projects like the Free State Project, and to various half-serious secession efforts in different states.

Now comes Christian Exodus, which is "moving thousands of Christians to South Carolina to reestablish constitutionally limited government founded upon Christian principles."

Their webpage proudly features the First Amendment to the Constitution to which they allude: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...."

The phrase "deaf to irony" comes to mind.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 6:36PM | 2005-07-01| permalink

Didn't libertarians try this in North Dakota?

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Felix @ 2:08PM | 2005-07-02| permalink

The Free State Project in New Hampshire is the only libertarian effort of which I know. That's not to say that there might not be others. They're a pretty fractious and individualistic bunch, those Libertarians. (Go figure.)

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Carlos @ 12:49PM | 2005-07-09| permalink

I guess I should read your links before commenting--the FSP is what I was thinking about.