Thursday, January 26, 2006

Politics and reasoning

...or lack thereof.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Pablo @ 2:42PM | 2006-01-27| permalink

That's all very observable even without all that fMRI equipment.

It is ESPECIALLY noticeable among the "I'm being rational, you're being emotional" crowd.

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Felix @ 12:54PM | 2006-01-28| permalink

Yes, but the high-tech gadgetry provides objective, verifiable data. I found the study interesting because it provides some hard data to support what you & I have observed through less verifiable means.

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Pablo @ 2:50PM | 2006-01-30| permalink

I wasn't intending to knock the study. The point of a lot of important research is to support or refute opinions and judgments people have made through less scholarly means.