Saturday, September 30, 2006

Unsurprising news

Yet another Republican pedophile. The GOP seems to have become the Party of Pedophilia, as well as the Party of Lies, Corruption, Torture, etc.

This time it's the congressman who headed up the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. Is anyone surprised by this stuff anymore? Can we please get rid of these greasy, self-serving hypocrites this November? Please?

Perhaps Mr. Foley should be visited by Dokuro-Chan, the Club-to-Death Angel featured in a very bizarre Japanese anime show that was shown in the wee morning hours at this year's Penguicon.

Speaking of which....

I suppose I should thank Representative Foley for reminding me of this horribly hilarious little gem of psychedelic ultraviolence.

For a description of the show, see the Wikipedia entry. The very weird and disturbingly funny intro sequence is available from YouTube. And if you think that's weird and disturbing seeing it on your computer screen, try watching it on a big screen at 2 am in a darkened room surrounded by costumed and caffeine-buzzed science-fiction fans.

Sadly, it does not seem to be available through Amazon or Netflix. If it were, I'd be tempted to buy a copy just so I could prove to disbelieving listeners that yes, it really does exist, and yes, it really is as twisted as it sounds.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 2:00PM | 2006-09-30| permalink

You can get it here with free shipping, but it ain't cheap, it's on region 2, and it doesn't have english subtitles.

I'm watching Excel Saga right now, an anime which also features a character repeatedly killed and brought back to life.

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Carlos @ 2:40PM | 2006-09-30| permalink

Looks like bit torrent has some too:

I watched a few of the clips on YouTube. Piers Anthony could take a few lessons in depravity from them.

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