Saturday, December 02, 2006

News noted

* Looks like the Texas State Railroad will stay open through next August. Yet another nail-biting last minute budgetary cliffhanger had newspapers all around the state reporting that its popular, steam-powered trains through the Piney Woods would be mothballed before the end of 2006. I think the state government must have hired the same people to write their budget that used to write the old Perils of Pauline serials.

* It's a commotion of grunts and squeaks!.... It's a boiling cauldron of some seething nameless brew!.... It's... it's.... the Bad Sex Awards!
"Because Hollingshead is a first-time writer, we wished to discourage him from further attempts," the judges said in a statement. "Heavyweights like Thomas Pynchon and Will Self are beyond help at this point."

Hollingshead, 25, who received his award from rock singer Courtney Love at a London ceremony, said he was delighted to become the prize's youngest-ever winner.

"I hope to win it every year," said Hollingshead, who receives a statuette and a bottle of champagne.
I suppose everyone is entitled have *some* ambition.

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