Sunday, March 11, 2007

Halliburton flees US jurisdiction

No kidding. The Wall Street Journal reports that Halliburton, the monster megacorporation that corruptly controls billions of dollars worth of US military logistical operations thanks to the influence of Its Man In Washington, is moving its headquarters to... Dubai.

This is the same outfit whose stooges in the US government darkly hint that anyone who objects to the dismantling of American's constitutional government, or its war in Iraq -- er, I mean, the American war in Iraq -- just must be on the payroll of unspecified sinister interests. Because giant multinational corporations are, like, patriotic and stuff, and anyone who objects to torture, murder, lying, and corruption on their behalf could only be doing so because they "hate America".

Uh, right. And the timing of Halliburton's flight from United States jurisdiction couldn't possibly have anything to do with a change in the direction of the political winds. And it most certainly has nothing to do with spiriting corporate records, revenues, and officers out of the United States before criminal investigations can reach them. Because they're just so darned patriotic, you know. No doubt it's purely a coincidence that Dubai is in one of relatively few wealthy developed countries that have no extradition treaty with the U.S.

Additional commentary here, here, here, etc.

If anybody out there still believes that Dick Cheney, George Bush and the rest of the War Party are "patriotic Americans", that was a pot of scalding-hot coffee that just got dumped over your head. Perhaps you should wake up and smell it.

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