Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lost Dumas novel resurfaces

Fans of The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo, and other tales of gallantry and adventure, take note:

Pegasus to release lost Dumas novel

I guess I missed this story when it first broke in France in 2005. That's one of the perils of being functionally monolingual, I suppose.

The website of the French Publishers' Agency supplies further information, including the fact that it's actualy the final volume of a trilogy, the titles of the previous books in the trilogy, and the fact that this is not, in fact, the first publication of the story. It was apparently first published in serial form serialized in a magazine, and then presumably "lost" when it was not republished in book form and the scattered copies of the magazine became difficult to find. It's a common problem in the world of pulp fiction. Fortunately Dumas and his fans are fortunate to have scholars and publishers who are willing to exhume such works and give them another shot at life.

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