Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Logic, Republican style

From today's front-page editorial at, a refreshingly honest call-to-brutality by one pseudonymous "Frank J.", who has somehow neglected to sign up for the war that he so eagerly demands that *other* people fight for his satisfaction:
When someone tells you we should bring the troops back, ask him who does he think will then kill the terrorists. When he inevitably gives you a dumb answer, punch him in the face....
Republican "logic": bully and physically attack anyone who deigns to disagree with Der Fuhrer, just like Nazis always do when confronted by the unacceptable presence of free men who think for themselves. Devoid of facts and logic, Republicans now have nothing but explicit brownshirt threats to fall back on. But, like the cowardly author of this call-to-thuggishness, only in the safety of a mob of like-minded bullies, in a "safe space" like RedState where dissent from the party line is banned.

Disgusting. And no, I'm not going to give him a link.

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