Why hello there, little weblog.
I'd almost forgotten you were still here. Still following me around like a good and faithful servant.
I've neglected you, I'm afraid. I got distracted by something new and flashy. And also by other things of greater import. There has been much sturm und drang in the life of Felix over the past few years, as well as sweetness and light. We needn't go into that in much detail.
Suffice it to say that that flashy distraction has turned out to be kind of shallow. All looks, no substance. The kind of place where all they care about is what you look like, not what you have to say. And it's so crowded! Every day, every hour, dozens -- hundreds -- of impassioned pleas for attention. Look at me! Sign my petition! Like me, like me, like me! Please like me! Like my joke! Like my cartoon! Like my church! Like my political party! Or else a little kid with cancer will die if you don't like me RIGHT NOW!
It's exhausting.
So the little space of peace and quiet that you offer is quite welcome. And -- I have to be honest about this -- I like the exclusivity of our relationship. I guess I'm just egotistical about things like that.
Oh, I'll still visit That Other Place, too. It's a good place to see and be seen. But for more reflective discussions, I'll be coming here to hang out with you.
Good to see you again.
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Welcome back.
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