Thursday, March 09, 2006

Over the Transom

Miscellaneous news stories that have caught my attention lately:

Phyllis Chesler discusses The Failure of Feminism in a Chronicle excerpt from her recent book.
Because feminist academics and journalists are now so heavily influenced by left ways of thinking, many now believe that speaking out against head scarves, face veils, the chador, arranged marriages, polygamy, forced pregnancies, or female genital mutilation is either "imperialist" or "crusade-ist." Postmodernist ways of thinking have also led feminists to believe that confronting narratives on the academic page is as important and world-shattering as confronting jihadists in the flesh and rescuing living beings from captivity....

The title of this upcoming action movie is about as straightforward as they come: Snakes on a Plane. I guarantee you, people will still ask what it's about.

Meanwhile, Canadian customs officials are warned by this CBC story: "[A]nyone who handles imported goods should call the authorities if they spot anything slithery."

Crunchy Cons, a book-length followup by Rod Dreher to an earlier article in National Review, seems to be arousing some discussion both on the NRO website and from local blogger Dave of Suds & Soliloquies. I'm not going to comment until I get a chance to read the book, but it seems likely that I'll find something to agree with.

Jonah Goldberg, naturally, wants to excommunicate Dreher from the One True Church... er, I mean, the Bushite Republican party.

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