Wednesday, August 02, 2006


You remember that old Monopoly game that you used to play with your freinds/siblings/parents? The one with all the crinkly multicolored bills? The "Monopoly Money" that is so widely recognized it's become a catchphrase in modern English? And the funky metal pieces? The battleship, the roadster, the shoe?

Some pinhead (probably from Hasbros's marketing department) has now decided to replace the popular and durable game that has lasted for over half a century and with some gussied-up "Here and Now" version of the game that depends on cheap flimsy plastic "debit cards" and an equally cheap and flimsy cardreader that will predictably need new batteries every time the game is pulled out of storage and break within a few years, rendering the game unusable. For this, they more than triple the price of the game.

But, hey, it has "cool tokens that are iconic to life here & now". Whoopie.

Fortunately, there are enough real copies of the game in existence that people who want to play a version that works should still be able to do so for the foreseeable future.

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