Saturday, May 05, 2007

The news from Rathillien

There's a long and quite extraordinary Biblio File interview with P.C. Hodgell freely available on Talkshoe today. It's extraordinary because the interviewer has clearly read her books and knows what he's talking about, and because the interview goes on for over an hour, during which time Hodgell, after some initial reticence, talks about JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, the origins of her character Jamethiel, future directions that her stories might take, horses and their relationship to "carnivorous unicorns", the tribulations of her academic and writing career, and myriad other subjects. It's well worth checking out for anyone who's read her books and is even mildly curious about them.

It appears that the Biblio File has also done interviews with other authors (Mercedes Lackey, Peter S. Beagle, Diane Duane, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, et al), which are also freely available. This may be a site to check back on frequently.

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