Monday, May 21, 2007

Refgrunt for an hour

6:00 My instant-messenger program doesn't work.
6:05 Where's the internet icon?
6:10 My computer froze.
6:15 My husband needs a visiting nurse to administer his prescription. Can you help me find one?
6:16 Puzzle Lady wants Saturday newspaper. Fortunately no one has stolen her favorite puzzles. She grumbles about having to "keep our newspapers straight for us."
6:17 Internet visitor card.
6:18 Someone wants to put money on his printing account. That's at the checkout desk.
6:20 Internet visitor card.
6:21 Internet visitor card.
6:23 No, you can't print from the express internet terminal.
6:25 "This internet visitor card doesn't work. No.... wait a minute.... never mind. She's just blonde...."
6:27 Puzzle Lady wants change for copy machine.
6:28 Looking for a vacant internet terminal.
6:29 Shonen Jump magazine.
6:30 Study room reservation.
6:32 How do the rules for internet time work again?
6:33 "I need a computer with a scanner." You're in luck, miss. The computer you're using has a scanner. Right there under your left hand.
6:35 Can we put up a public flyer advertising our medicinal-plants nature walk?
6:38 MS Word says I need to insert a different disk to use the clip art. Where is it?
6:41 Computer with scanner "cannot perform this task due to restrictions on this comnputer." Call the Good Computer Fairy, who instantly knows what the problem is and flitters out from the Tech Cave to fix it. I like Good Computer Fairies.
6:45 Puzzle Lady returns Saturday puzzle section and makes a great show of putting the sections of the newspaper back together. She tells me I'm a nice young man.
6:50 Book Club Lady wants eight holds placed on the same book for her book club. There are only three copies in the library network. Oh well, then, let's place eight holds on this other book instead.
6:55 Glance at work e'mail. Note that a young man who spoke with me at the desk a few days ago is now considered a Suspicious Character to be watched, for various reasons which need not be discussed here.
7:00 I've never used a word processor before. Can you show me how?

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