Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Business, Republican style

Blackwater, the corporate right-wing mercenary army to which draft-dodger Bush and his cronies have outsourced much of the Iraq war, is using the threat of a $10 million lawsuit to silence the families of the four mercenaries who were killed in Fallujah in 2004.

Because Blackwater is, like, patriotic and stuff. And supports the troops. Yadda yadda yadda.

Among their lawyers:
Blackwater quickly adapted its battlefield tactics to the courtroom. It initially hired Fred F. Fielding, who is currently counsel to the President of the United States. It then hired Joseph E. Schmitz as its in-house counsel, who was formerly the Inspector General at the Pentagon. More recently, Blackwater employed Kenneth Starr, famed prosecutor in the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal, to oppose the families. To add additional muscle, Blackwater hired Cofer Black, who was the Director of the CIA Counter- Terrorist Center.
No doubt the close nexus between Bush cronies and the legal goon squad attacking the families of these slain mercenaries is just a happy coincidence. Just like it was a pure coincidence that Bush campaign lawyer Ben Ginsberg organized the "Swift Boat" smear campaign against veteran soldier John Kerry.

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