Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amber by Night

Carlos, should he revisit this dusty forgotten corner of the blogosphere, may enjoy this review by the esteemable and invaluable TangognaT. It appears to fall directly into the "hot female librarian" genre of manga.
Amelia is a typical bookworm librarian. But she has a secret. At night, she works as a provocatively dressed waitress named Amber....

Sadly, neither Ameila nor Amber are reported to wield magical pieces of paper, slay horrific monsters, or perform death-defying feats of acrobatics.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Ordinarily I'd be all over a manga about a hot librarian, but I think I'll draw the line at Harlequin. It was good to be reminded of TangognaT, though, which I haven't read in years. It made me think of all those other early librarian blogs I used to read--the time sure has flown by.