Wednesday, September 29, 2010

News of the weird

Some startling news from the Telegraph:
Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots

The story below seems more like something I would expect in Texas, but sure enough it's from way up north in "librul" Yankeeland.
Assistant attorney general blogs against gay student body president
Hm. A couple of people I know have boasted of their accurate "gaydar". Feel free to comment about the video in that link.

And finally... one of the most misguided seduction attempts of all time. Why is it that over and over again, hyperconservative ideologues end up making public fools of themselves with bizarrely inappropriate sexual behavior? Bill O'Reilly with his strange obsession with loofahs, falafels, and sexual harassment of female employees; Ted Haggard's prediliction for drugs and male prostitutes; Larry Craig's "wide stance" shenanigans in airport bathrooms; Mark Foley's sleazy electronic pursuit of teenage Congressional pages. Now comes ... (or doesn't, if you take my meaning) .... James O'Keefe, the right-wing "fake pimp" best known for smearing the voters-rights group ACORN with selectively-edited video footage portraying himself as a ludicrously stereotypical "pimp" seeking advice about dealing with imaginary prostitutes, then getting caught trying to wiretap the telephone of a US Senator. Evidently Mr. O'Keefe thinks he's pretty hot stuff. So hot that, if he could only lure CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau onto a floating "pleasure palace" stocked with enticing condom jars, sex toys, posters of naked women, and a bed set up with a video camera, she would inevitably fall for his manly charms and provide him with invaluable video "seduction" footage that, with just a little of his trademarked "selective editing", he could use to embarrass CNN.

No, really. Read the story here and here. And here, with entertaining commentary.

I don't think our boy James is quite as irresistable to "the lay-dies" as he thinks he is.

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