Monday, January 19, 2004

Insert obligatory pun here

From the Jan. 2004 issue of Locus, p. 13:

Follow the Pulp Paper Road : Two and a half million return copies of old Mills and Boon romance novels, or 92,000 books per mile, were used to produce a new 16-mile stretch of the M6 toll road in Birmingham UK. "Unsold copies of the books were shredded into a paste and added to a mixture of asphalt and Tamac," which "helps to bind the asphalt and the Tarmac, preventing the surface from splitting apart after heavy use." Project manager Richard Beal said, "There is an old saying that the road to true love doesn't run smoothly but thanks to thousands of Mills and Boon romance novels we hope that the M6 toll will."

1 comment:

Felix said...

Trebor @ 9:36PM | 2004-01-19| permalink

Combine organic decay with the insulating properties of tarmac and you'll get a road that will deteriorate quickly if not spontaneously combust outright. ~ Trebor

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Felix @ 12:22PM | 2004-01-20| permalink

What can I say? Romance novels are HOT!

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Pablo @ 5:06PM | 2004-01-26| permalink

I thought damsels in distress wanted men they could walk all over. Shouldn't they have used the novels to build sidewalks?

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