Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ann-thrax Coulter

Ann Coulter, in between advocating the assassination of government officials, braying that the widows of terrorist victims "enjoy their husbands deaths", insulting injured military veterans, and screeching that newspaper editors should be executed, seems to have found time to commit acts of terrorism against the United States and make lighthearted little jokes about it.

Last time I checked, making terroristic threats -- which by any reasonable definition includes mailing envelopes full of pseudo-anthrax -- was something the government was supposed to investigate. Just try making a joke about a bomb in your luggage the next time you're in an airport, or yelling "Hi!" to your friend Jack down the length of an airplane. Or mail an envelope with white powder in it to some government office and then tell them where it came from. See what happens.

A commenter here supplies some relevant passages from the law. Will our favorite incoherent rageaholic be charged with a felony the way any ordinary citizen would be? Or does she get a special Republicans-are-allowed-to-commit-terrorism exemption?

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