Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Modern "conservatism" as simple authoritarianism

A fascinating diary and related discussion from DailyKos.

Also, an article from Media Matters about the reporting and portrayal of "extremism" on the left and right.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Pablo @ 5:40PM | 2006-07-18| permalink

The way I state it is that the word "liberal" in its contemporary usage means something more like "heretic." In order to be classified as the former, one must first get a representative sample of all your political, economic, and social views and then place you on a spectrum. In order to be classified as the latter, you need only disagree with a person on one thing, no matter how small or non-representative.

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Felix @ 9:03PM | 2006-07-20| permalink

That's a more complicated way to say it. I'm not sure how well it would go over with people conditioned to think only in soundbites.