Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Liberals hate America, yada yada yada.

From the current issue of National Review:

"John Kerry has spent a career taking the side of America's enemies...."
(Investor's Business Daily advertisement, p. 33)

"Always taking the side of America's enemies, the radical lawyers of the ACLU have their tentacles everywhere...." (ibid.)

"Of the making of conspiracies to undermine the political well-being of the United States, it seems, there is to be no end...." (Review of Damon Linker's The Theocons : Secular America Under Siege, p. 53)

When the only argument left to a political party is to shriek over and over again that anyone who disagrees with it HATES AMERICA!!!!, without offering any kind of support for that slander, it's a pretty sure sign that they have no logical or factual arguments left standing. Nothing but hatred, the rolling of eyes, the pounding of shoes on podiums, the spewing of spittle.

Will National Review next inform us that liberals are planning to ritually sacrifice American children to Satan so that they can make matzoh-bread with their blood?

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