Saturday, November 22, 2003

... and your dissertation advisor dresses you funny!

This writer thinks academics dress funny. Is he right?

"Historically, academics have been the subject of both high and low humor. From the sixth century onward, how we look has prompted nearly automatic laughter from onlookers, even if the onlookers were dressed in twigs and had painted their faces blue....

"Look at us. Glance around a room at a professional meeting: we look like refugees. And not refugees from an interesting culture...."

Of course this article does not apply to anyone I know. The fact that I can't find a store that carries shirts in my preferred style is a reflection on the benighted, Philistine clothing industry, not on me. It has nothing to do with the fact that they were in style circa 1995.


1 comment:

Felix said...

Trebor @ 12:58AM | 2003-12-16| permalink

I'm still on the lookout for good professorial drag. I'm into it. Tweed, twill, woolen sweaters, leather buttons, patches on the elbows. I haven't a clue where to go... other than to a costume shop or a Salvation Army thrift store.

Sheer laziness forces me to JC Penny once a year for their "Back to School" prices and fresh underwear. Only the fact that I'm looking a lot more like Ted Kaczynski (former math professor, current inmate) these days keeps me from being confused with a student. At least in my mind. ~ Trebor

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