Saturday, February 07, 2004

All the news that fits the preconceptions

Some of you may have read news articles about President Bush appointing a panel to examine the pre-invasion intelligence reports dealing with "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. You may not, however, have read anything about its composition or its schedule.

From MoveOn's "Daily Misleader":

[T]he president will appoint the entire commission himself, breaking the previous tradition of allowing lawmakers from both parties to appoint commission members. Although lawmakers have raised objections to the commission's lack of independence, the White House is moving forward with its plans.

Additionally, despite the fact that the commission's work will be critical to national security, the president will only authorize a commission that produces a report after the election -- so as to minimize any political fallout for himself.

It looks like we can expect another (cough) unbiased report along the lines of Senator Danforth's whitewash... er, "investigation"... of the Waco Branch-Davidian fiasco. If the Bush appointees insist -- against all credulity -- in actually conducting a real investigation, it will no doubt meet the same fate as the inquiry into the September 11 attacks which the Bush White House has mysteriously insisted on stonewalling at every turn.

Thanks to Louise, my sole remaining blogfriend, for the link.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Fiend @ 12:46PM | 2004-02-07| permalink

(Do you think the guilt-tripping is going to work?)

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Felix @ 1:52PM | 2004-02-07| permalink

When I try guilt-tripping, I usually land face-first.

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Trebor @ 10:58AM | 2004-02-09| permalink

The more I here folks (especially "liberals") voice concern on this topic, the more I come to realize that everyone, especially the liberals, fully expects Bush to win the next election.

After all, if Kerry later this year, wouldn't we have all the investigations anyone could possibly want?

"Conservatives" won't start worrying until the "liberals" start counting down the days... ~Trebor

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Trebor @ 10:59AM | 2004-02-09| permalink

Zoiks! Don't mind the spelling/grammatical erros. Public schools ya know. ~Trebor

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Trebor @ 10:59AM | 2004-02-09| permalink

Zoiks! Don't mind the spelling/grammatical erros. Public schools ya know. ~Trebor

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Felix @ 8:59PM | 2004-02-09| permalink

If Bush is really 100% confident that nothing can shake his coming electoral coronation, why doesn't he just say "bring 'em on" and let a real investigation take place and report its findings BEFORE the election?

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