Saturday, February 21, 2004

Love at the Library

This romantic soiree at the British Library might have been interesting if I were in London and (sniff) if I were invited. (Link found in Lady Crumpet's Armoire.)

"[G]uests queued for lapel stickers - with suitably anonymous labels such as "Darcy seeking Elizabeth", "Titania seeking Oberon" or "Adam seeking Eve"....

"An older "Narcissus seeking Narcissus" was not convinced, arguing that the modern library, which opened in 1997, had "none of the sexual charge that used to crackle around the old, round reading room at the British Museum".

What say you, Gentle Readers? Anyone feel like sharing their literary lusts? As for me, I can't decide. "Beren seeking Luthien"? "Don Quixote seeking Dulcinea?" Perhaps "Horvendile seeking Ettarre" would be most accurate.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 2:49PM | 2004-02-21| permalink

Humbert seeking his Lolita? (For 30-something librarians working at predominantly undergraduate institutions.)

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Felix @ 3:47PM | 2004-02-21| permalink


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Carlos @ 3:55PM | 2004-02-21| permalink

I was joking at my own expense, just so you know.

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Felix @ 4:11PM | 2004-02-21| permalink

And just as you did so, a very cute blonde education student walked by, smiled fetchingly, and thanked me for my help.

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Felix @ 8:51AM | 2004-02-22| permalink

*Sigh*. Enetation says there are five comments, but only displays four. Grrr.

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