Sunday, April 25, 2004

The case of the disappearing article

Oregon librarian Tony Greiner delves into the reasons why a Time sidebar article about American policy in Iraq mysteriously disappeared from the online version of the magazine.

"The concentration of print media outlets into a few corporate hands remains cause for concern. Would this column appear here if Library Journal were owned by Time-Warner? It is vital that larger libraries continue to keep and use printed indexes and copies of the historical record.

"Marylaine Block urged libraries to take responsibility for the preservation of electronic information (BackTalk, LJ 12/03, p. 81). She's right. But we all need to do our part. A progressive colleague of mine prints and files important Internet documents. 'If you want a permanent record,' she says, 'you better use a permanent medium.'"

1 comment:

Felix said...

GreenTuna @ 4:35PM | 2004-04-26| permalink

Found your page in an extremely roundabout kind of way. Enjoy the stuff, especially since I'm serving my time a troll library that bleeds green.

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