Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Jackson Watch

According to Publisher's Weekly and other sources, Peter Jackson has announced that he will not direct a cinematic version of The Hobbit. Disappointing, sure, but as the PW writer observed in an earlier essay, maybe it's not a bad thing for part of the Tolkien canon to remain free of the thundering hoi-polloi and their tacky movie tie-in merchandise.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 4:09PM | 2006-11-21| permalink

The impression I got from the Yahoo! story is that a cinematic version will be made, though Jackson won't be directing. So we can still look forward to a Bilbo Happy Meal.

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Felix @ 1:19PM | 2006-11-22| permalink

Coming soon to theaters everywhere:

The Hobbit: A Jerry Bruckheimer Production.

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