Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thee U., back in the news

Baylor U. Drops a Controversial Book About Its Recent History, but Denies Buckling Under Pressure (From The Chronicle of Higher Ed.)
Baylor University has backed out of an agreement to publish a book about a tumultuous period in its recent history. The book's editors, a former provost and a history professor, have vowed to find another publisher, despite irate e-mail messages from a former president who warned that the book was inaccurate and could "plunge the university into a new era of conflict and renewed animosities."...
The most bizarre element has to be the blackmail-like threats emanating from former president Herb Reynolds:
"In re: Sloan's chapter in the book, I will be releasing one or more documents which I have kept in my 'asbestos' files," Mr. Reynolds wrote. "Readers will quickly see an unvarnished picture of this 'Intentional Christian.'"

Referring to the editors and Mr. Sloan, Mr. Reynolds continued: "You and he, and most certainly others, have opened the door with both your much publicly touted 'Intentional Christianity' and ad hominems. I have placed strategic items in the hands of a trusted confidant who will release them timewise as I have instructed him, so they are now out of my hands."
Reynolds goes on to brag about his military experience in psychological warfare.

Disappointing? Perhaps to some. But not those of us who recognize that all institutions are fundamentally and irrevocably corrupt, and that all successful leaders are amoral thugs.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 2:50PM | 2006-11-30| permalink

Yet another reduction in the value of our sheepskin?

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