Thursday, February 12, 2004

The Hill is in mourning.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 4:57PM | 2004-02-12| permalink

Sad--my condolences.

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Trevor @ 5:36PM | 2004-02-12| permalink


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Pablo @ 11:50PM | 2004-02-13| permalink

He will breathe
a loud sleep, his heels will crack with gold.
And I will have the words pull gently
at this mouth, and he will speak, the rim
of his hat will lift the wind, and I will have him
alive with line and light and sound, if death
is a sudden waking to some other town.

from "That Kind of Sleep"
Susan Atefat-Peckham

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sc @ 10:26AM | 2004-02-23| permalink

What a waste. My condolences.

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