Sunday, February 22, 2004

Words of Wisdom from Wyoming

It's possible that I and Mr. John Thurman, of Worland, Wyoming, might disagree about a number of issues. His letter to the editor of a local paper about the recent CBS Super Bowl debacle contains a lot of wisdom, though.

I'll go him one better. Wouldn't it have been wonderful to have had musicians or celebrities who have disagreed with each other very publicly -- say, the Dixie Chicks and Toby Keith -- on stage at the same time, singing or talking about the stupendous fact that, because of America's tradition of intellectual freedom, they're not obligated to literally kill each other over those disagreements?

1 comment:

Felix said...

Trebor @ 10:02AM | 2004-02-23| permalink

How very Reaganesque! ~ Trebor

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Felix @ 2:37PM | 2004-02-23| permalink

Do you mean that in a GOOD way?

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Pablo @ 6:33PM | 2004-02-23| permalink

Does anyone really believe that we invaded Afganistan and Iraq to liberate the locals?

It seems to me to be the classic Big Military Government fallback when its original STATED intentions failed.

We didn't find Osama bin Laden in Afganistan. (Do we have even have an extradiction treaty with Afganistan? If not, they would have had no legal right to turn him over.)

We didn't find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. (Could Hussein have fled Iraq and not violated his Oath of Office which he made when Iraq's citizens ELECTED him?)

And now there's talk of NEEDING to invade Pakistan?

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Trebor @ 11:27PM | 2004-02-23| permalink

Are you speaking ironically, or are you making a mockery of the word "elected?" ~ Trebor

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Felix @ 4:36PM | 2004-02-24| permalink

For the record, I've slightly altered the second paragraph to better reflect my meaning. It originally read, "...because this is America, they're not obligated to literally kill each other?"

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