Monday, July 05, 2004

CD46:6, CD46:7... 6. CD46:9, CD46:10... 6. CD 47:1... OC....

I have just spent the last hour or two performing one of the most menial tasks known to the literate world: updating Suburban Public Library's copy of the local municipal code, then checking every single page against a checklist to make sure the good citizens of Suburbia will have access to the correct and current version of the law in the unheard-of event that one of them comes to the library to look it up. Yes, I know it has to be done. No, I don't like doing it. If I wanted to spend hours poring over the minutiae of local ordinances against railroad trains travelling faster than 35 mph, people trespassing in city cemetaries after 10:00 pm, or the display, in certain zoning areas, of "Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered", I'd have gone to law school.

Meanwhile, a library user whom I'll call ChattyMan has interrupted me three times to discuss his various get-rich schemes, most of which involve either using the internet to track down misplaced bank accounts or studying obsessively for various civil-service exams. I wish him the best, I really do, but I'm getting a little tired of his knowing winks about whatever latest "secret" he's discovered.

As someone else said recently, I have had more exciting days.

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