Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Let the race begin

I can't believe Fiend hasn't called dibs on this story: Kerry names Edwards his running mate

My reaction: Edwards adds a much-needed dose of youth, photogenic looks, affability, and Southern regional background to an otherwise gray, stodgy, stereotypically "Massachusetts-liberal" Kerry ticket seeming made-to-order for Republican campaigners to ridicule. I don't know much about his policies other than what's listed on his website. He seems to have a good reputation as a speaker and campaigner.

Cranky thought #1: Is his success so far largely due to having a handsome face and a telegenic demeanor? Perhaps I should watch this movie again. On the other hand, it worked pretty well for John F. Kennedy.

Cranky thought #2: Are the Democrats doing the same thing that the Republicans did in 1996, putting the tired old party warhorse at the head of the ticket while submerging a more energetic candidate in the number-two slot?

In any case, at least he's not Dick Cheney.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Fiend @ 10:26PM | 2004-07-06| permalink

Y'know, I think it's a devious, but masterful forward-looking strategy on the Dems' part. The main drawback to Edwards, I believe, was his limited political experience. In 8 years time, under Kerry's firm leadership, after the U.S. has been brought back from the brink of self-destruction, Edwards will still be relatively young and vigorous ... and he'll make an ideal Presidential candidate!

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Felix @ 11:35PM | 2004-07-07| permalink

...she said, with stars in her eyes.... *grin*

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Carlos @ 8:53AM | 2004-07-08| permalink

I think Dubya should dump Cheney and pick up Jeb.

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Felix @ 11:51PM | 2004-07-08| permalink

You're not the only one to suggest dumping Cheney.

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Carlos @ 10:15AM | 2004-07-09| permalink

Cheney could use his health problems as a face-saving way of dropping out. Four years of being VP would prepare Jeb for his inevitable stint as Commander in Chief.

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