Friday, July 02, 2004

For the Potterphiles among us:

J.K. Rowling has announced the title of the next book in the Harry Potter series. (And, no, it's not Pillar of Storge.) No release date, though.

Thanks to Louise for mentioning it.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Fiend @ 10:25AM | 2004-07-03| permalink

Hmm. That rather cryptic article doesn't actually mention the title of the new book -- "HP and the Half-Blood Prince" (unless I somehow missed this minor detail when I skimmed it).

(Maybe the reference to "HBP" all the way at the end of the piece counts?)

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Felix @ 3:16PM | 2004-07-03| permalink

Woops.... I was so amused by the "Pillar of Storge" hoax that I linked to Rowling's news posting discussing it, rather than to the actual title. (Her website is not exactly easy to navigate!)

That's what I get for blogging while I'm supposed to be at work, I guess.

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Fiend @ 11:06PM | 2004-07-03| permalink

Yup, JKR's website is definitely a mess. Since they're marketing "adult editions" for the book jackets, they might as well create a saner version of her site while they're at it.

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