Monday, September 20, 2004

From the office of....

Huron State recently -- after nine months of relegating Yours Truly to a wobbly cubicle between the staff coffee machine and the mailbox/copier/stapler counter -- graciously allocated an entire office for my use. It's ten feet by ten feet of utter white-wallboard-and-nondescript-industrial-carpeting bliss, by comparison to The Cubicle. I spent several hours late last week hanging library propaganda on the walls, shoving institutional gray metal furniture around, and, of course, theorizing about compact office model railroads.

The next day, the telephone disappeared. The office's previous occupant apparently put in a work order confiscating the telephone to save him the trouble of re-recording his answering machine message. No word yet on when telephone service to my little closet-o-bliss will be restored. A telephone tech showed up today just before quitting time. He plugged in a telephone. It didn't work. He scratched his head and left.

The Employer Giveth, and the Employer Taketh Away. In the meanwhile, I have a ready-made excuse for avoiding administrative summonses.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Fiend @ 10:07AM | 2004-09-22| permalink

Do we get to see pictures of this tastefully decorated, hopefully no longer phone-less, slice of Heaven?

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Felix @ 11:37AM | 2004-09-22| permalink

In the interest of preserving whatever ragged shreds of anonymity are left to me, I think I'll refrain from posting any such pictures publicly. If you're curious, I can send a photo or link by e'mail.

The telephone does work now, but I need to get a longer cord so that it can sit properly on my desk without leaving its cord draped across the empty air like some kind of booby-trapped tripwire.

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