Monday, September 13, 2004

Here, there, and everywhere

While helping a teenager find a copy of Catcher in the Rye, I noticed a copy of what looked like a fantasy book -- R.A. Salvatore's Immortalis -- shelved in the general fiction. Investigating further, I found that it's part of one of his multifarious multi-volume series. Suburban Public Library, naturally, has one volume shelved in general fiction, one volume in Young-Adult Fiction, and one volume in the SF/Fantasy shelves. I'll not quite sure whether this is an error, resulting from chaotic collection-development and staff turnover, or a deliberate attempt to make Salvatore's sagas more visible to browsers. I suspect the former.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 3:10PM | 2004-09-14| permalink

Never heard of him. Is he good?

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Felix @ 10:56AM | 2004-09-16| permalink

I've never read any of his books. He's quite prolific, and seems to write mainly tie-in novels derived from Dungeons & Dragons. (Forgotten Realms series, etc.)

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