Wednesday, May 19, 2004

More wisdom from Grand Rapids

Another tidbit gleaned, long after the fact, from my belated browsing of long-stockpiled issues of Locus: WOOD-TV, an all-"news" television station in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where the Calvinists roam the streets like roaring lions, has deemed Asimov's Science Fiction to be (horrors!) an ADULT publication, and they are SHOCKED that it would be included on a list of magazine subscriptions available through a school fundraising program, right alongside such sterling family-oriented publications as Esquire, Vogue, GQ, and Elle.

Asimov's response here. Discussion at Analog here.

Hold it... wait a minute... something's happening here! I feel an insidious force seeping out of the computer screen. It's coming from the WOOD-TV webpage. It's making me think like their reporter! Suddenly, I see sex and nothing but sex, everywhere I look! Aigghhh....

(Long silence.)

Heh. Heh. Huh. WOOD-TV. (giggle.) They said "wood". Heh-heh! Heh-heh!

(Whap!) Shut up, assmunch!

Heh, heh....

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 11:25AM | 2004-05-19| permalink

"Young girls in white socks"! The depravity!

Looks like you've also had problems with the new Blogger stalling out during the posting process. I had to go back and delete a dozen duplicate copies of a post once.

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Felix @ 11:39AM | 2004-05-19| permalink





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