Monday, May 17, 2004

"Pagan fun in Y...."

forwarded me this link recently, with the tagline "Pagan fun in Y." The official website of the program discussed is available here.

I dunno. With programs like "Sex & Spells: Gender and Political Activism in the Witchen Community" (by "Macha Nightmare"), it's indubitably pagan, but I'm not so sure about the "fun" part. Since the conference registration fee is $125, I doubt that I'll find out any more than that.

Pablo "the Blogless" will no doubt be interested to know that the American Friends Service Committee LGBT Issues Program is a supporting sponsor.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 1:50PM | 2004-05-17| permalink

Where is P-lo, anyway? I don't think he's commented on either of our blogs in a while.

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Felix @ 2:03PM | 2004-05-17| permalink

So far as I know he's still in PantherTown. He sent me the link to that would-be theocrat's essay that I discussed a few days ago, and commented on it after I posted it.

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Pablo @ 5:00PM | 2004-05-17| permalink

If you read the fine print about AFSC support, you'll see that it "consists of over 45 people."

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Felix @ 1:12PM | 2004-05-18| permalink

Bigger than any group I'm an active member of.

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