Monday, March 22, 2004

"For informational purposes only...."

From the high country of Wyoming comes this story: Librarian defends pot-growing how-to book.

I'm with her on this one. It reminds me of a book on the forbidden art of distilling home-made whiskey that I picked up from a library book sale many years ago. I've never put its recipes to use, but it did make it much easier to figure out what had gone on at those old still foundations that can still be found in isolated forest gulches near the old family farm in the Ozarks.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Trebor @ 9:04AM | 2004-03-22| permalink

"Honey pot," anyone?

Books like this make it a lot easier to identify people engaged in the naughty stuff. It's called a "honey pot." After all, you aren't going to catch many dope growers reading "literature" on the harmful effects of marijuana use, now are you?

It reminds me of the "Anarchist's Cookbook" published back in the 70's (only that was before the feds could obtain lists of who was checking out what from libraries). The AC conveniently forgot to mention things like that the reaction between nitrates and glycerin was exothermic. It only mentioned that one should keep the brew below a certain temperature. A poor novice might have thought that simply turning off the heat (necessary to get the reaction started) would suffice (it wouldn't). This book probably helped self-eliminate many a bomber.

I think every library should have such books tucked away on its shelves where only those who really wanted them could find them. ~ Trebor

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Felix @ 10:14PM | 2004-03-22| permalink

All the more important for the library to shred and over-write the circulation records. And for canny library users to consult it on the sly.

I will admit that the "honey-pot" hypothesis has occured to me more than once, though.

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