Sunday, October 05, 2003

Job Search Follies of 2003

It turns out that not only am I unable to compete with other job applicants, I'm unable to compete with an empty chair. "Westover" politely informs me that, rather than hire me, they've decided to leave the position vacant.

The grapes were probably sour, anyway.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 9:17AM | 2003-10-06| permalink

That's happened to me a few times.

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Felix @ 3:07PM | 2003-10-06| permalink

You might be interested to know that I met the person who got the gov-docs job at Mich Tech. For what it's worth, she seems thoroughly competent and has many years of govdocs experience. She mentioned that after she initially applied, they held the job open for her until she finished her obligations at her previous position.

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