Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Whining works, apparently.

After whining piteously about my boring life yesterday, I received another request for a telephone interview, this one from a place I'll call Big State University. It's a state university with 17000 undergraduate students, located in a flat, rectangular midwestern state best known for agriculture and limestone, one well known to Carlos.

The telephone interview with Down East State U. was fairly informal. I think I avoided blurting anything terribly embarrassing. Interestingly, one of the four people on the search committee was a student. This is something I saw at a previous interview at a small junior college in Wisconsin, but I haven't seen it yet at the university level.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos @ 1:06PM | 2003-10-16| permalink

You're lucky--Big State U. would be a nice place to work at, and those midwestern university towns are fun to live in.

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Felix @ 2:58AM | 2003-10-17| permalink

You may be under a misconception about which university I'm talking about. It's about fifty miles northeast of your MLS alma-mater. And its acronym is, in fact, BSU. Cryptic enough for ya?

And of course it's only a telephone interview we're talking about here, not a job offer. I've become a little jaundiced about such things. But they keep me intermittently occupied.

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Carlos @ 9:42AM | 2003-10-17| permalink

Oh...I forgot about that one. I actually applied there last year, for a ref position I think. I wonder if this is the same position... Anyway, BSU would still be better than here, and getting a phone interview is farther than I got with them, so congratulations anyway!

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Felix @ 8:53PM | 2003-10-25| permalink

They're apparently mining the lode of applications they received from a job ad early in the summer in order to fill a second similar position which became vacant. They didn't contact me last summer, but apparently either my qualifications are improving, their standards are sinking, or the pool of applicants is drying up.

They have a lot of librarians on staff, so it's not surprising that they'd have some ongoing turnover.

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