Monday, October 20, 2003

Preemptive gratitude

Yours Truly recently received a valuable keepsake in the mail: a "signed" photograph of George and Laura Bush, along with an effusive note practically begging me to "become one of the first to join the Bush-Cheney '04 Team as a Charter Member in Michigan". After all, "Only with [my] help can the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign create a viable grassroots organization". Also included was a "Presidential Photo Receipt Confirmation Form", complete with checkboxes for my suggested donation of $100, $50, $25, or "other $".

A "grass roots" organization, "created" by an incumbent president's campaign staff? Sounds like Astroturf to me....

As flattered as I am that Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney find my attention and my money so indispensible, I think I'll pass on the offer. The photograph ("suitable for framing!") may be useful as a prop should I be invited to interview at Thee University, though.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos Zamora @ 5:43PM | 2003-10-21| permalink

You applied to Thee U.?

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Felix @ 7:38PM | 2003-10-21| permalink

Please, Carlos. Try not to sound so dumbfounded by the prospect! (grin)

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Fiend @ 1:58AM | 2003-10-22| permalink

Was this the institution you mentioned a while back that requested you provide a statement acknowledging your allegiance to the “One True Denomination”?

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Carlos @ 10:58AM | 2003-10-22| permalink

No dumbfoundedness intended...I would have added an exclamation point after the question mark to express any amazement. Anyway, I think it'd be a pretty good place to work, so good luck. The Prez of said institution, by the way, will be in Lubbock and Amarillo tomorrow drumming up support from the local alumni groups. I'd attend if I had the day off.

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Felix @ 1:24PM | 2003-10-22| permalink

Fiend: Yes, it's the same institution. Although the "Statement of Religious Affiliation" did not explicitly demand allegiance to the OTD, I have reason to think that they'll favor applicants who are affiliated with the denomination that sponsors the university. (And yes, I acknowledge that they have the right to do so, despite the potential inconvenience to me.)

Carlos: I remember finding a lot of interesting stuff in the library at Thee U., so I expect it would be a good place to work in terms of access to good materials. Among other things they've started collecting archives and papers of various Texas politicians and editorialists, although W.C. Brann's personal papers ended up at UT Austin. (I wonder why-- HA!)

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