Friday, October 03, 2003

More on the "PATRIOT" Act

Ashcroft sez it's never been used to seek information from libraries. Hmm. That's odd, considering that in May the Justice Department acknowledged having contacted about 50 libraries as part of investigations.

I wonder where those 50 inquiries disappeared to between May and September. Down the memory hole? The rabbit hole? An oubliette in Guantanamo Bay?

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos Zamora @ 2:30PM | 2003-10-04| permalink

"Oubliette" is a new one to me. Do you remember where you came across it? Have you been reading up on medieval torture?

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Felix @ 3:58PM | 2003-10-05| permalink

I first came across the word in some horror/fantasy movie in the 1980's. Unfortunately, I can't remember which one. Ironic, don't you think?

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Pablo @ 3:14PM | 2003-10-09| permalink

It's no wonder I could never beat Felix in Scrabble....

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Carlos @ 9:40AM | 2003-10-10| permalink

I think you should rename your archives page "The Oubliette."

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Felix @ 5:17PM | 2003-10-14| permalink

But I haven't forgotten about it... yet....

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