Friday, October 03, 2003

Michigan wine laws declared unconstitutional

Bytes in Brief reports that the 6th Circuit Court has declared unconstitutional those portions of Michigan's wine-regulating regime which discriminate between in-state and out-of-state wineries. More details at FindLaw.

Earlier this year, there was a similar case in New York.

Perhaps there is hope yet for Carlos and others who pine for exotic vintages.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Carlos Zamora @ 2:29PM | 2003-10-04| permalink

I think you need to celebrate by ordering yourself a bottle of West Texas' finest.

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Felix @ 3:56PM | 2003-10-05| permalink

Perhaps when I have some money for exotic luxuries like that. What's your connoisseur's opinion of West Texas' Finest?

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Carlos @ 9:15AM | 2003-10-06| permalink

I don't have the money to be a wine connoisseur, but I think Llano's merlot is better than most in its price range. If you ever make it down here we'll visit the winery. Do you have any Thanksgiving plans? (I was thinking a Guadalupe N.P. trip.)

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Felix @ 3:10PM | 2003-10-06| permalink

Right now I'm planning on staying up here through October. By November I may be living on somebody's couch and willing to take any escape I can.

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Carlos Zamora @ 3:57PM | 2003-10-06| permalink

I don't have a couch, but if you bring a sleeping bag you can stretch out on my guest room floor. Sounds inviting, doesn't it?

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